Platja del Bogatell – Cementiri del Poblenou stop (to Fòrum) | Barcelona Bus Turístic

11/03: due to the FC Barcelona match taking place at the Olympic Stadium, there will be no Red Route service to the Plaça d’Espanya and Montjuïc area from 11 a.m. 

Until further notice, Plaça de Catalunya stop on the Red Route out of service. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Until further notice, Plaça de Catalunya stop on the Red Route out of service. We apologize for the inconvenience.

The Platja del Bogatell – Cementiri del Poblenou stop (towards Port Olímpic) of the Green Route is not in service. Enjoy the most emblematic places of the city, jumping off at the stops on the Blue Route and the Red Route of our official tour.  

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Platja del Bogatell – Cementiri del Poblenou stop (towards Port Olímpic)

Hola Barcelona, your travel solution

A stop to enjoy Barcelona’s four kilometres of beaches and discover an 18th-century cemetery that is full of Neoclassical mausoleums and sculptures.

The beaches, an open-air leisure centre

The Green Route of Barcelona Bus Turístic hugs the coastline and stops at Bogatell, one of the city’s most popular beaches, and next to Poblenou Cemetery, the first burial ground built outside the city walls.

From this stop you can access the cemetery to contemplate some of the most significant funeral works of art from the second half of the 19th century and enjoy a day’s sunbathing or sport at the beach. In fact, on the beaches and the promenade you will find many of the city’s residents riding bicycles, jogging or playing volleyball.