Legal notice | Barcelona Bus Turístic

27/03: Due to the FC Barcelona match at the Olympic Stadium, there will be no service in the area starting at 4 p.m.

Until further notice, Plaça de Catalunya stop on the Red Route out of service. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Until further notice, Plaça de Catalunya stop on the Red Route out of service. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Legal notice

Hola Barcelona, your travel solution

This section includes information relating to the Terms and Conditions for using the website that must be known to the user, in accordance with the Service of Society of Information and Electronic Commerce Act (34/2002).

Contact details

Company: Transports de Barcelona, SA.

CIF: A-08016081.

Address: Carrer 60, numero 21-23 Sector A Poligon Industrial Zona Franca 08040 Barcelona, Spain.


Telephone no. : 0034 93 298 70 00.

Fax: 0034 93 298 71 80.

Registration details: In the Barcelona Business Register (Registre Mercantil de Barcelona). Volume 226, section 145, Registration sheet 16,610.


Terms and conditions of access

Access to this site is the sole responsibility of the user and implies full acceptance of the legal warnings, Terms and Conditions of usage that it contains.

Access to the services available through the website is free of charge. These do not generally require the user to subscribe or register. Although in order to access certain services, it may be necessary for the user to complete the relevant form. User name and password are identifiable elements and facilitators for accessing the services and they are personal and in transferable.

If the user does not agree with the current terms and conditions, they must leave the website immediately, losing the right to access the site or the services offered on it.

The user must be over 14 years old, as well as guaranteeing the veracity and authenticity of the information communicated and consequently any services contracted that require prior register of personal details.

Likewise, the user is obliged to keep such information up to date. There may be links to other websites. The use of such links is subject to these same Terms and Conditions in addition to any specific conditions required by the other websites. Any unauthorised use of the links or the websites is strictly forbidden.

TRANSPORTS DE BARCELONA, SA may modify, at any given time or when it sees fit, the configuration of this web site, its content and its terms and conditions of service, as well as deleting, limiting, suspending or impeding access to the site, temporarily or permanently, but it will try to inform the user of any changes, so long as circumstances permit, by way of publishing it on the website.

TRANSPORTS DE BARCELONA, SA cannot guarantee the permanent availability and continued functionality of the website, nor its information, content timetable, the materials or the products that it includes. In the same way it precludes any responsibility for any loss or damage of any form that may be derived from the unavailability or lack of functionality of this website, its services or the use required of it by Users. In any case, TRANSPORTS DE BARCELONA, SA, will make every effort in its power to ensure the ongoing availability of this website.

Similarly, TRANSPORTS DE BARCELONA, SA, is not responsible for any possible errors or deficiencies in security that may arise from the utilisation, on the part of the user, of an insecure or outdated version of a search engine, as well as through the activation of devices to store the passwords or user codes recorded by the Internet user, or for any damages, errors or inaccuracies derived from incorrect use or functioning of the website.

The user accepts that the website has been created and developed in good faith by TRANSPORTS DE BARCELONA, SA, with information gathered from internal and external sources even if in its current state it offers the user certain inaccuracies or errors. Therefore, the user excuses TRANSPORTS DE BARCELONA, SA from any responsibility in relation with the viability, usefulness or false expectation that the website may cause during their use of the site.


Terms and conditions of use

The user agrees to make adequate use of services and/or content of this website, not to use it for illegal or illicit purposes, or any act that may breach current legislation concerning intellectual and industrial property rights, or any other judicial rule, remaining the exclusive responsibility of the user, the use that they may make of the information contained on this website.

The user guarantees the authenticity and accuracy of all the details that are communicated to TRANSPORTS DE BARCELONA, SA, by way of online forms, and is responsible for the ambiguity or lack of truth of the information provided.

In the same way, in an unlimited fashion and purely for the sake of naming such exclusions, the user accepts the obligation not to enter, transmit or publish:

  • Content that is racist, xenophobic, pornographic, that promotes terrorism or contravenes human rights.
  • Content that incites criminal behaviour, or acts that are degrading, defamatory, violent, or in general, contrary to the law, immoral, ill-mannered or contrary to public order.
  • Information or content that contravene basic human rights and public freedoms recognised constitutionally by international treaties.
  • Information, from non-authorised third parties, of usernames and passwords. And if the password belongs to another user, this fact must be communicated to TRANSPORTS DE BARCELONA, SA immediately.
  • Information or content that violates the intellectual and industrial property rights, patents, marques or copyright of TRANSPORTS DE BARCELONA, SA, or any third parties.
  • Any unauthorised publicity, spam, chain-emails, pyramid schemes etc.
  • Data programs, virus and malware that may provoke damage in the computer systems of the access provider, or their suppliers or any third party users of Internet


Exoneration of liability

TRANSPORTS DE BARCELONA, SA cannot control the use made by the user of the web address or its content, and for this reason cannot be held responsible for any damage and loss of whatever nature that may arise from any illicit, incorrect or inadequate use.

In the instance that a user causes damage to third parties, that user will be wholly responsible. In the same way, the user shall be responsible for any expenses, costs and if relevant, any compensation payments resulting from legal procedures caused by non-compliance with these Terms and Conditions or the corresponding legislation.


Intellectual and industrial property

All the content on this website, including databases, photographs, drawings, sketches, text files, maps, frames, banners, programing and various font codes, audio and video), are the sole property of TRANSPORTS DE BARCELONA, SA or its content providers, if said content is licensed or ceded by the latter, and is protected by Spanish and international intellectual and industrial property laws. It may not be modified, copied, altered, duplicated, adapted or translated by the user without the express authority of the owners of said content. The composition, supposing the gathering, design, order or layout of all the website content remains the sole property of TRANSPORTS DE BARCELONA, SA.

All programming used to develop or build this website is the property of TRANSPORTS DE BARCELONA, SA or its programming providers and is protected by both Spanish and international copyright laws governing industrial and intellectual property.

The brand names, signs, branded images or logos that appear on the website belong to TRANSPORTS DE BARCELONA, SA or any Companies from the TMB Group or have been licensed or ceded by their owner and are duly registered or being registered.

The agreement to make use of the databases, photographs, sketches, text files, audio and video files and programming that is the property of TRANSPORTS DE BARCELONA, SA or its suppliers, that appear on the web shall not imply, in any case, the cession of their ownership or of any rights to their usage on the part of the User.

Any user who accesses this website may not copy, modify, distribute, transmit, reproduce, publish, cede, nor sell said elements nor create new products or services derived from information obtained by such means.

They may only be visualised and downloaded for the personal, non-commercial use of the User, and may not be passed to third parties or other organisations.

Any alteration to this website that may affect its content, links or similar connections is strictly forbidden.

TRANSPORTS DE BARCELONA, SA, shall ensure that no content of this website be pornographic, xenophobic, discriminatory, racist, defamatory or promoting violence.

Likewise, it shall attempt to avoid any prejudicial circumstance for the User. In the case that any user shall deem that there exist facts or circumstances that show the illicit nature of the use of any content and/or the carrying out of any activity in these web pages or any accessible from this website, of any violation of copyright laws on industrial and intellectual property and in particular, of the violation of industrial and intellectual property rights, they should notify TRANSPORTS DE BARCELONA, SA, in writing, indicating:

  • Personal details of the claimant: name, address, telephone number or e-mail address.
  • Specific description of supposed illicit activity, indicating precisely which protected content is being used, as well as the exact location on the website.
  • In the case of a violation of rights: personal data of the right holder whose rights have allegedly been infringed or their legally authorised representative and their signature.
  • Express, clear declaration under their sole responsibility of the information provided, as accurate and precise, concerning the illicit nature of the use of the content or the activities described in the claim .


Use of cookies

The website, may use cookies to facilitate user navigation and to know their preferences while allowing for their usage. However, the user may configure their computer to accept or reject the cookies received.

Specifically, the cookies that can be made use of are:

First party:

  • SESS+hash: session cookie in Drupal. It allows the user session to be identified and registered in this content manager.
  • AWSELB: session cookie. It recognises which server you are accessing and, if there is more than one, it distributes or balances the load between servers.

Third party:

  • _ga i _gat: Google Analytics cookies that collect information on the websites visited, the time spent on each page, the web browser used (all of this anonymously) to provide statistics that enable the page to be optimised.


Links to third parties

On this website, links may be used to other websites, external to TRANSPORTS DE BARCELONA, SA, who shall accept no responsibility for their content, nor for any product or service offered by them, or for possible viruses or malware they may contain.