Eixample stop
If you get off at the Eixample stop, you will find yourself at a veritable crossroads of Barcelona environments: on one side the everyday life of Sants, one of the most emblematic and working-class neighbourhoods in the city, and on the other, the entrance to the great Barcelona expansion and some of its major avenues.
Life, at the centre of everything
Behind the popular, bustling Sants Station, the departure and arrival point for trains from all over, you will find one of the most markedly working-class neighbourhoods: Sants. At the end of August, its main festival becomes one of the most striking and attractive thanks to its street decorations.
Near the bus stop you will find the parc de Joan Miró, ideal for relaxing; the former La Model prison, rehabilitated as a cultural centre that you can visit, or the elegant Josep Tarradellas avenue.
Heading towards the Eixample, where we will stroll along the pleasant, completely pedestrianised carrer del Consell de Cent, we find two unique modernist houses: the Casa Fajol, also known as the Casa de la Mariposa (But why? Find out!) and the Casa Golferichs, as well as the bohemian and artisan workshops of the Lehmann factory.
What to see
- Joan Miró Park
Popularly known as "Parc de l’Escorxador" or Slaughterhouse Park, after the municipal facility that previously occupied it, this space dedicated to Joan Miró is home to one of his most famous sculptures, which the artist specifically created to welcome travellers arriving by train.
- Centre Cultural La Model
Escenari de moltes pel·lícules carceràries i testimoni directe de la història de la ciutat i el país, el que va ser la presó La Model ha esdevingut tot un símbol de la ciutat i de la seva memòria històrica.
- Carrer del Consell de Cent
Si hi ha un carrer que s’ha convertit en emblemàtic de la nova Barcelona els últims anys és, sens dubte, el del Consell de Cent.
- Casa Fajol - Casa de la Papallona
Between Joan Miró Park and Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes there is a Modernista house crowned by a butterfly in the trencadís broken tile mosaic style.
- Casa Golferichs
D’arquitectura modernista, la Casa Golferichs no només és l’edifici més important de l’arquitecte Joan Rubió i Bellver, sinó que avui és tot un centre cultural de la ciutat que ofereix concerts, exposicions, conferències i espectacles de tota mena