Sant Antoni stop
From this stop you can walk along some of the most emblematic streets of the Eixample district in the centre of Barcelona and also take a look at two neighbourhoods that give good vibrations to everyone who walks through them: the Raval and Sant Antoni.
The radiant force of modernity
Next to plaça de la Universitat, you can head towards the chessboard-like streets of the Eixample, where the hustle and bustle of streets like Enric Granados and Rambla de Catalunya mixes with the calm of the secluded indoor gardens, or you can change your surroundings and wander through the streets of the Raval, a neighbourhood of mixed roots where you can visit two of the most impressive and modern museums in the city: the CCCB and the MACBA,in plaça dels Àngels.
Also very close to the stop, you can take the ronda de Sant Antoni and stop to enjoy a good beer at the Fàbrica Moritz, as well as stroll along carrer del Parlament, where trendy bars and restaurants await you. True to the neighbourhood life, the Mercat de Sant Antoni is a hive of activity and conversation, especially on Sundays, when the Sunday market for second-hand books, comics and collection cards is held.
What to see
- Barri de Sant Antoni / Mercat de Sant Antoni
Un barri popular i comercial que compta amb el mercat més gran de Barcelona, obra d’Antoni Rovira i Trias, que va ser construït als tallers de la Maquinista Terrestre i Marítima.
- Carrer del Parlament
Sant Antoni s’ha convertit, en els darrers anys, en un dels barris més de moda de Barcelona.
- Fàbrica Moritz Barcelona
La cervesa Moritz és a Barcelona des del 1864, quan Louis Moritz es va instal·lar, un cop enderrocades les muralles de la ciutat, en el que avui serien els barris del Raval i l’Eixample, és a dir, just on ara es pot visitar la Fàbrica Moritz Barcelona.
- MACBA – Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art
A large museum in glass and white aluminium that fills the Raval district with light and houses works from the middle of the 20th century to the present day.
- CCCB – Barcelona Centre of Contemporary Culture
One of Barcelona’s most avant-garde cultural sites is actually a converted almshouse.